Your First Training Plan for Running

July 5, 2012 Leave a comment

Your First Training Plan for Running
By: Rémy-Marc Beauregard


Everything depends on your level of fitness. Lance Armstrong said running a marathon was the hardest thing he ever did, “I’m just happy to finish one.” His sub 3 hour marathon equates to my 1/2 marathon time, give or take someminutes. The Basics of running are simple: efficiency of stride, lactic acid treshold, base training, patience and determination.

Training plan: If you’re just starting out, I would suggest running 3 times a week. I would also run a 3 week cycle.The first week of the cycle you train at a specific level. The second week you increase by 10-20%. The third week you scale back to lower than first week’s level. This give’s your body time to recuperate and prevents injuries. The first week of your next cycle should be increased by 10-15%. After 3 cycles, reduce you first week pace by 10%. This will work – you just need to be patient.
For example : Distance of every run in the week.

Cycle 1: wk1:1km – wk2:1.2km – wk3:0.9km

Cycle 2 : wk1:1.2km – wk2:1.4km – wk3:1.1km

Cycle 3 : wk1:1.4km – wk2:1.6km – wk3:1.3km

Cycle 4 : wk1:1.2km – wk2:1.4km – wk3:1.1km

Cycle 5 : wk1:1.4km – wk2:1.6km – wk3:1.3km

Cycle 6 : wk1:1.6km – wk2:1.8km – wk3:1.4km

I think you get the picture.

The best method to ease into running is the run/walk method. Your body should adjust to running more easily using this method. The time you spend running and the time you spend walking depends again on your fitness level. If you need to walk longer or are able to run more, just do it. You run for 30-60 seconds, depending , you walk for 30 seconds. You do this for a week. The next week you increment you run by 10 seconds, but keep the walk to 30 seconds. As the weeks progress you should be able to gain substancial increase you capacity of running. The ideal for the run walk method is to get up to 10 minutes of running and 1 minute of walking, but it all depends on how you feel. Once you are able to keep a pace of 10-1 for 30 minutes you can start to increase the 10 minute run by 10-20% every week.

The pace you should be in is a Zone 1 pace. Zones are calculated by the hearth rate that is attained with physical activity. Zone 1 pace is (220 – your age) X 60 or 70% – I’m 36 , (220bpm – 36) X 70% = 130 bpm. This is a foundation building pace. This pace is used on long runs because it enables your body to manage lactic acid. A friendly fuel when absorbed properly lactic acid becomes running enemy when it is out of control. The longer you can run at this pace, the more your body will improve his capability to absorb the acid. This is endurance building, and it is the first step to having a great run.

“Lactic Acid Is Not Muscles’ Foe, It’s Fuel.” – New York Times
The notion that lactic acid was bad took hold more than a century ago, but more recent research suggests that it is actually a fuel, not a caustic waste …

If you need to do more sports during the week, cross training should be your choice. Gym work to strenghten the abs are a plus. Cycling or spinning also get your heart going without the impact on your knees.

If you are able to run for 30 minutes, my suggestion to you is to get out there and find a nice friendly 5k. This is a celebration of life , a celebration of your new found passion: Running. Turkey trot your way to the end.

You’ve acheived your first goal and that first 5k is now behind you. You’ve adapted your body to running and now can run 3 times a week for 30 minutes each time and can even push this a bit further.

You now are able to move to the next level. First thing to do is add another running day to your week. This will help you put on the miles and will help you adjust even more to a runner’s regiment. Second thing to do is start mixing up your running workouts. 1 slow long run (zone 1), 2 normal half hour runs (zone 1 maximized- bottom zone 2), and 1 run that is totally different from the other types of runs that your body is accustomed to do. My suggestion is either Hill running or intervals.

Hill running is simple: Find a hill – run it to the top (if you can get up there fine – if not – stop where your about to collapse) – once up there – walk back down. Do this 10 times and make sure you keep a pace that you can accomplish it 10 times. If you cannot run it – walk up the hill. This will put pressure on your big leg muscles and should bring your body close to lactic acid threshold, walking back down will help your body manage that load and will push it farther and farther as the workouts progress.

Interval: Warm up with a 15 minute turkey trot. Once you are warmed up – bolt it for 100 meters – as fast as you canb without collapsing before you done that 100 meters (85% of your max speed) – just before blowing up – walk for 1 minutes. Repeat this for at least 1000 meters (10 X 100 meters). If your body is not too broken, turkey trot your way back home for another 15 minutes … this is great for pushing your lactic acid treshold even farther.

The point of pushing your body this way is to enable you to start picking up speed and finding a way to sustain it. Also – this is a good thing for your running body as it is called upon to adjust and find new ways of coping. Doing the same thing week after week can cause your body to adapt to it and migth inder your progression.

The goal you might have with these exercises is to improve you PR for your 5K or 10K time, enabling you to get faster and faster. Being faster and enabling your body to cope with it will help you out on your long slow runs. Your lactic acid overload might not be as great as it was before and your threshold of pain and endurance will be hightened.

Once you mastered these techniques and can now run for an hour or more on your slow long runs, a 10K or a half marathon is well within your reach.

Elite runners are a breed on their own. They usually have a running stride that looks like a work of art and also have a cardio that can sustain 15-20 km/hour run tempo. Not everybody can acheive this type of running pace and keep it for 2 hours or more.

If your at this level and are reading this, you’ve humored me enough to keep going and could potentially write an article on this web site about how you go about your training. Since Deena Kastor and Meb Keflezighi are not here to add some advice, I will risk myself and add my two cents to this level of running fitness.

First thing, and expert runner should be able to run in the zone 1 range all day long, barely breaking a sweat. These athletes are fine tuned running machines and have close to the same body fat as an average model on a cat walk. That said, the muscle mass is fine tuned and the heart is usually as big as a football :0).

I have one friend who’s an ultrafit retired cyclist (retired from all out competition but still competes at the fun level) – I put him on my treadmill with a heart monitor and asked him to start running. When he reached my top speed that I could sustain for more than 5 minutes (11 km/h) – his heart rate was barely beating. He could run at this pace for hours, I could barely do it for 5 minutes.

That’s the difference between joe runner and Meb Keflezighi, the ability to acheive a speed and endurance that boggles the mind, strains the body, and pounds the heart.

These people usually have trained since they were kids and benefit from coaches and proper climate atmospheres (high altitude training) to enable them to reach the next level. They also have a very strict meal regiment and cannot afford to indulge in life’s simple pleasures (Beer – wine – cheese cake …) without paying a hefty price performancew wise.

If you are an elite runner and would like to submit an article – please do so right here. I will be happy to put a link back to your website.

Anyways, I Got To Run. 😉

Author Bio
Remy-Marc Beauregard is a seasonned runner that gives advice on running, training and nutrition.

Article Source:

Categories: Fitness, Training Tags: , ,

Free Webinar: Losing Weight and Learning to Believe in Yourself

April 10, 2012 Leave a comment

Sign up today for our FREE webinar on Losing Weight and Believing in Yourself! This webinar will be held on Sunday, April 15 at 3:00 p.m. CST/4:00 p.m. EST. Spots are limited. So, register today by visiting our webinar center.

About the Webinar

So many people (roughly 60% of Americans alone) are interested in losing weight. Yet, very few actually believe they have what it takes to lose those extra pounds and keep them off.

The instructor for this class is a personal development and fitness coach who once struggled with her own weight. She had this to share:

“As someone who struggled with her own weight for a number of years, I can tell you that my inability to believe in myself was one my biggest obstacles. The start of every year would begin with the promise of losing weight. I would tell myself that this was the year I would lose all the weight I gained once and for all.

Usually, my heartfelt determination kept me motivated for about two months. During that time, I would shave off about 10-15 pounds. But then, somewhere around the second or third month, I would tell myself that I could never get back down to my goal weight. I believed that I was somehow unworthy or undeserving of achieving better health and physical wellbeing. Within 6-12 months, I usually regained whatever weight I lost. This vicious cycle only added to my feelings of inadequacy. I started to believe that I could never succeed at being thin again and that somehow this new, chubbier version of me was here to stay.

One day, I took a long, hard look in the mirror and asked myself what was important to me. Finally, after a lot of soul searching and a very big motivating incident that I’ll discuss in a later post, I decided to address my weight issues by first addressing my self-esteem.”

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to uncover any negative thoughts/beliefs you may have regarding your ability to lose weight;
  • How to utilize personal affirmations;
  • How to eliminate limiting beliefs and create a new belief code for yourself;
  • How to minimize your chances of self-sabotage, and
  • How to use gratitude to attract more success in your weight loss journey.

April 6, 2012 Leave a comment
Categories: Uncategorized

New Website Launch

March 31, 2012 Leave a comment


Hi All!
We are proud to announce the launch of our new Simple Online Fitness website! Please visit our page and download our free “Staying Active” tips.  We have also created a free “Membership” area where you will have access to our blog, articles, fitness tips, and much more! If you know anyone interested in getting and staying fit, please feel free to pass this info along.
Simple Online Fitness is dedicated towards providing services related to the mind, body, spirit connection and overall fitness and personal development. Too often, when we talk about “mind, body, and spirit”, the “body” portion of that trio is conveniently left out. We believe that achieving an overall sense of wholeness and well being requires connecting with one’s body as much as with one’s mind and spirit. Taking control of our fitness is a very important step in that direction.
As a company, Simple Online Fitness is made up of a unique and powerful blend of personal development and fitness professionals who are ready and waiting to help you reach your goals.
All the best,

First Figure Competition – 10 Weeks Out

March 19, 2012 9 comments

ImageIt’s been a few months since I’ve last written on the blog and I’ve missed you guys! The first quarter of the year has been incredibly busy. But, great things are happening. Currently, I’m training for my first Figure Competition. It will be held on June 2. So, I’m a little less than 10 weeks away.

Over the last six months, I’ve done a ton of research on training and nutrition to prepare for this event. My personal training certifications are really being put to good use with the exercise program I’ve created. For the diet, I’m relying on research from a number of sources, including:

  • Nutrition books
  • Support from a nutritionist and seasoned figure competitor trainers
  • Seasoned figure competitors

Right now, I’m engaging in 3-day carb cycles.

  • Day 1: I consume no more than 50 g. of carbs
  • Day 2: 88 g. of carbs
  • Day 3: 150 g. of carbs

On each day, I still consume 150 g. of protein and 30-40 g. of fat.

Day 1’s are the hardest for me. What I try to do not to feel hungry is eat a really nice piece of salmon or tilapia for dinner and a tasty vegetable mix. It helps a ton that I cook all of my own meals. I LOVE cooking. So, finding tasty and filling options that fit my dietary restrictions has been fun. Today is a standard Day 1. I tend not to get too creative on Day 1s and leave more of that creativity for Day 3.

This is today’s meal plan:


  • Egg whites with green onions, chives, and baby spinach
  • Whey protein blended with skim milk

Snack 1:

  • Orange
  • Whey protein blended with water
  • 1 Cup of coffee with 2 teaspoons of non-dairy creamer


  • 8 ounces skinless,  boneless chicken breast
  • Baby spinach
  • ½ teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup steamed broccoli

Snack 2:

  • Whey protein blended with water
  • Handful of almonds


  • 7 ounces of salmon
  • Steamed vegetables

Snack 3:

  • Protein shake

As time goes on, I will provide some progress photos! I hope all of you are doing well. Can’t wait to write more soon.


Energy Healing and Meditation: Connecting your physical and spiritual selves

December 15, 2011 Leave a comment

Reiki healing, combined with frequent meditation, is an effective way to improve your spiritual, emotional and physical self.

Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key), is a Japanese healing method that relies on the transference of energy through the hands of the Reiki practitioner to the patient. Reiki provides a wonderful way for practitioners to heal both themselves and others. Practitioners channel the healing energy of Reiki to harmonize and balance the patient’s energy field. Practitioners also benefit from having the ability to provide Reiki healing to themselves.The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So, Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.” Many who receive Reiki healing have reported feeling very warm in the area that is being treated.Reiki is a very simple and effective method of self-improvement and natural healing that is safe and can be used by anyone. It is based on connecting spirit to the body and works well in conjunction with other treatments or therapies. This healing art is very easy to learn and is often taught by a Reiki master who passes “attunements” to the novice healer. The attunements open a connection to an unlimited supply of “life force energy” which enhances the new practitioner’s overall health.

Reiki’s Five Major Principles

While many find the practice to be quite spiritual, it can be used by anyone regardless of religious affiliation. Reiki has five major principles that are believed to enhance your quality of life. These principles focus on clearing your mind of negative energy and focusing on the positive aspects of life and the world around you. The principles are viewed as both guidelines for living and for becoming a Reiki practitioner. The principles are:

  1. Just for today, I will not be angry.
  2. Just for today, I will not worry.
  3. Just for today, I will be grateful.
  4. Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
  5. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

The Spirit and Health Connection

Reiki healing is viewed as a holistic healing practice. Webster’s Dictionary defines holistic as “concerned with wholes or with completed systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts.” Simply put, holistic medicine attempts to treat not only the illness but also the mind, body and spirit.

It is commonly believed by metaphysicians and natural healers that true healing must begin in the soul. One of many books that supports this idea is “Realized Religion: Research on the Relationship between Religion and Health”, by Theodore J. Chamberlain and Christopher A. Hall. This publication documents over 300 studies which demonstrate the correlation between spirituality and health.

While this particular publication speaks mostly to the Christian community, its findings cannot be denied regardless of religious beliefs. Whether you are Christian, Jewish, or Buddhist, integrating your spiritual and physical selves is necessary for optimal overall health and is one of the major cornerstones of holistic healing.

As a Reiki practitioner, it is important to maintain both your physical and spiritual health. Meditating, both as a general practice and before performing Reiki, helps to balance the chakras and increase your resistance to illness. Below are two exercises that are great for Reiki practitioners and those who would just like to practice some meditation and visualization techniques.

Relaxation Meditation for Optimal Reiki Healing

  1. Choose a quiet place.
  2. Sit in a comfortable chair.
  3. Close your eyes.
  4. Relax your muscles.
  5. Become aware of your breathing.

Choose a pleasant word or visual image that you can hear and see in your imagination. Think of this word or image every time you exhale for about 15 minutes each day. If you have an intrusive thought or feeling during your mediation, return to the repetition of your relaxing word or image.

Meditation for Awakening and Cleansing the Third Eye Chakra

This exercise incorporates a yoga breathing technique called Anuloma viloma. Sit in a comfortable position. Place your thumb by your right nostril and your ring and little fingers by your left. Inhale through your left nostril for two seconds by closing the right nostril with your thumb.

Close both nostrils and hold your breath for eight seconds. Then, breathe through your right nostril while closing the left with the ring and little fingers for four seconds. As you do this breathing exercise, visualize a bright white light from above shining onto your third eye chakra.

Visualize this light filling your chakra and causing it to glow a beautiful indigo hue. This indigo ball of light begins to spin clockwise and you feel you chakra awakening. With each inhalation, visualize more light from above being fed into your Third eye chakra and you feeling more connected to spirit. This exercise works best if practiced at least once each week.

Psychological and Emotional Benefits of Exercise

December 14, 2011 4 comments

I was recently asked by a blog reader how two seemingly unrelated topics, personal development and fitness, actually go hand in hand.

Believe it or not, your fitness is a very big part of how you see yourself and your overall personal development. In fact, if you’re not willing to focus on your personal fitness, it can be difficult for the other areas of your life to come together. Why? Well, it just so happens that a lack of exercise coupled with eating foods that are fried or high in fat, sugar, or sodium have long been associated with depression, a lack of self-confidence, low energy, and feelings of inadequacy. When someone consistently experiences sad or negative emotions, it is almost impossible for that person to fully focus on creating positive change in his or her life.

As a personal development coach and fitness trainer, I am chiefly interested in both the physical and emotional well-being of my clients. Where coaching is concerned, I used to work exclusively in the realm of personal development.

During that time, I noticed that clients who exhibited the most difficulty staying goal oriented possessed some or all of the following traits:

· A lack of self-confidence and/or self-esteem

· Low energy

· Moodiness

· High stress

· Negative body image

· Low belief in one’s own ability to create long-term positive changes in his/her life

· Sporadic or low exercise frequency

· Overindulgence in fatty, sugary, fried and/or high sodium foods

While I’m not touting exercise to be some kind of magic pill that is the cure to all of one’s problems, what I am saying is that regular physical activity coupled with a healthy diet can greatly improve one’s emotional well-being.

According to the AASP (Association for Applied Sport Psychology), the following are common psychological benefits of regular exercise:

· Improved self-esteem

· Higher energy

· Mood balancing

· Improved body image

· Increased belief in one’s overall abilities

· Decreased symptoms associated with depression

The AASP further postulates that experiencing the aforementioned benefits over a prolonged period of time increases the likelihood of adhering to an exercise program. So, try to find ways to exercise daily. Even if you only have time for a walk around the block, it’s important to get moving. As time goes on, you can incorporate more and more activity. Doing so may make it a lot easier for you to create and reach long term goals. You will increase your confidence in your ability to reach for the stars.

You may be saying, “But, I’m new to exercising. How do I even get started?” I would suggest reading 8 Ways to Increase Your Activity During the Day. If you’re interested in getting a customized personal development and/or fitness program that is based on your specific short and long term goals, visit us at Simple Online Fitness or email me directly at


Sabrina Renee Kinckle,
Personal Development Coach and Certified Personal Trainer – ACE
Simple Online Fitness – No more excuses!

Post Holiday Workout Program: Fit in Four Weeks

December 12, 2011 2 comments

This workout is very intense and is particularly useful for those interested in increasing muscle mass. However, by slightly increasing the cardio to 35 minutes and doing 2 sets of each exercise instead of 3, you can VERY effectively use this workout to burn unwanted fat! I created it for Kelly (the other blog author) and me to train after the holiday season. As a matter of fact, in one of her upcoming articles, Kelly will review the workout so that you know what to expect. If your goal is to increase muscle endurance, you should increase the number of reps. This program also includes 3 sets of each exercise. Based on your fitness level, you may want to start at 2 sets instead of 3.

If you’re interested in getting a personalized program based on your specific goals, please contact us at

MONDAY AND THURSDAY: Focus is chest, triceps and shoulders

A1: Standard Push-ups: 3 sets of 15 reps (60 seconds rest)
A2: Triceps dips (You can use the side of a sturdy chair or a gym bench for this exercise): 3 sets of 15 reps (60 seconds of rest)

B1: Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)
B2: Spiderman Push-Ups: 3 sets of 10 reps (These are tough!!!) (60 sec rest)

C1: Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)
C2: Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)

D1: Incline Push-Up: 3 sets of 10 reps (60 sec rest)
D2: Dumbbell Front Raise: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)

TUESDAY AND FRIDAY: Focus is Biceps, Trunk, and Back

A1: Single Leg Neutral Grip Dumbbell Row: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)
A2: Bicep Curls: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)

B1: Rear Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)
B2: Weighted Swiss Ball Crunch: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)

C1: Standing Supported, Single-Arm Underhand Grip Dumbbell Row: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)
C2: Decline Hammer Curl: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)

D1: Plank: 3 sets of 60 second planks (60 sec rest)
D2: Weighted Elevated Feet Russian Twist: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)

E: Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs: 3 sets of 8 reps (90 sec rest)

WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY: Focus is glutes, hams, quads, and calf muscles

A1: Straight Leg Deadlifts: 3 sets 8 reps (60 sec rest)
A2: Squats (no weights): 3 sets 15 reps (60 sec rest)

B1: Partial Single Leg Squat (no weights): 3 sets 15 reps (60 sec rest)
B2: Weighted Lunges (with dumbbells): 3 sets 8 reps (60 sec rest)

C1: Calf raises (no weights): 3 sets 10 reps (60 sec rest)
C2: Weighted Hip Raise: 3 sets of 8 reps (60 sec rest)

D1: Wide Stance Plank: 3 sets 30 seconds (60 sec rest)
D2: Medicine Ball V-Up: 3 sets 10 reps (60 sec rest)

SUNDAY: Focus is rest!
On this day, you should take it easy. Definitely don’t strength train, and if you elect to do cardio, keep it light. A nice walk around your neighborhood, a leisurely swim or a walk on your treadmill for 30-60 minutes will suffice.

The important thing with this program is to stretch before and after. As far as cardio is concerned, I usually include 30-35 minutes of cardio, except for on Wednesdays and Saturdays, as those days work your lower body and you get a lot of cardio from the weight lifting. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, I only do about 25-30 minutes of cardio.

I hope you guys like the program and find it useful. You should definitely check with your doctor before starting any new fitness routine. This is something I created for myself but figured I would pass it along.


Sabrina Renee Kinckle, CPT – ACE
Simple Online Fitness – No more excuses!

Categories: Cardio, Fitness, Training

Staying Motivated to Exercise Regularly: 10 Tips For Working Out Every Day

December 5, 2011 Leave a comment

As we approach the New Year, many of you may be considering getting in shape. Maybe you have already decided that 2012 will be the year that you lose those unwanted pounds once and for all!

Starting a new exercise routine can be exciting because it often means the promise of a healthier lifestyle, a fit body, improved confidence and a new way of seeing yourself. During the first few weeks into your program, your initial level of excitement may be all you need to maintain your healthier way of life. But, how do you stay motivated as the weeks turn into months? How do you decrease your chances of falling back on old habits?

1. Maintain a fitness journal.
According to the National Weight Control Registry, maintaining a diary of your eating and fitness activities improves your chances of adhering to a new fitness program. Whether you prefer writing in a print journal or logging your activities in an electronic format, recording how often you work out is a great way to stay motivated.

2. Set specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and timely (SMART) goals and write them down.
Set very specific goals. Make sure that you can measure them and that they are realistic. Write these goals down where you can see them regularly. When I was working to lose weight, I actually posted my goals as a recurring daily appointment in my Outlook calendar. It served as a regular reminder of what I wanted to accomplish. Now that I’m focused on maintaining my weight, I still post my goals.

An example of a “SMART” goal would be to lose 5 pounds in four weeks. This goal is realistic, measurable and has a set deadline. A great way to stay motivated is to regularly update these goals. I would recommend setting many “mini” goals rather than only focusing on one large goal. For instance, if your final goal is to lose 50 pounds, break it up into 5 or 10 pound increments. You can also incorporate other measurable goals, such as inches lost around the waist, the number of push-ups you’re able to complete, or how many flights of stairs you can climb. The options are endless!

3. Reward yourself after achieving each goal.
After you have achieved each goal, be sure to reward yourself. I would recommend that the reward not be food based. Many people who are working to lose weight are also working to improve their relationship with food. Therefore, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of valuing non-eating activities as rewards. Examples include: getting a new outfit, seeing a movie, going to the museum, seeing your favorite band at a concert, or going for a nice stroll along the lakefront.

4. Get support from friends, family or online.
The current research is clear: the presence of ongoing support is a very significant indicator of long-term success with staying active and maintaining weight loss. If you don’t have any friends or family members with whom you feel you can share your journey, consider joining an online community. One of the most popular free online weight loss and fitness communities is On this site, you can create your own profile page, make it private or public, post before and after pics, make friends, join online challenges, and more. If you are interested in also getting support from a certified online personal trainer, you can sign up for for as little as $9.99 per month and get a fully customized program.

5. Find daily inspiration.
Reading relevant information was a very big motivator for me and it still is. Follow the blogs of those who are interested in fitness. Read as many success stories as you can. Find articles that positively reinforce the importance of staying active every day.

6. Schedule your workouts like you would any other important appointment.
Realize that the best investment you could ever make is in yourself. You probably would never call off work for a full week without expecting certain repercussions. The same is true for exercising regularly. So, make regular “appointments” to work out and strive to keep them. On my Outlook calendar, I actually have a recurring appointment to work out Monday through Friday from 5:00 to 6:00 a.m. and on Saturday from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.

7. Plan for your work out session the night before.
Before I go to bed, I always pick out my workout outfit. I usually lay it over a chair in the living room next to my heart rate monitor, iPod, headsets, towel, cross trainers, resistance training notepad, and magazine. Doing so mentally prepares me for working out the next day. I see it as part of my routine and whenever I stray from my routine, I feel a difference in my mood, sleeping patterns, and energy levels.

8. Remember to take a break.
It’s important to take a day off from time to time. I usually take off on Sundays. I like sleeping in and watching “Sunday Morning” on CBS with my sweetie.

9. Switch it up.
Even your most motivated person will experience a feeling of burnout if she/he doesn’t switch up the routine a bit. If you’ve been plowing away on the elliptical machine for the past few weeks, why not try adding some walking or jogging on the treadmill. You can also include other modes of working out throughout the week, such as Zumba, Yoga, martial arts, Pilates, indoor rock climbing, and swimming. It’s important to keep your workouts interesting so that you’re less likely to get bored.

Another important part of mixing things up is changing your workout music. It’s easy to play the same 15-20 sounds during your workouts. But, I recommend changing your “sweat” playlist at least once every two weeks.

10. Don’t give up!
Last but certainly not least, do NOT give up. Even if you employ every single tip on this list, there will still be some days when it’s harder than others to make it to the gym. If you find yourself slacking off a bit, don’t throw in the towel. Instead, get back on the wagon and continue your journey. There are days when the very last thing I feel like doing is working out. But then I remember how much happier and healthier I am as a result of making my fitness a top priority in my life. You can do it, too! I’m rooting for you!!

If you’re interested in getting a customized personal development and fitness program based on your specific goals, please contact us at


Sabrina Renee Kinckle,
Personal Development Coach and Certified Personal Trainer – ACE
Simple Online Fitness – No more excuses!

Categories: Fitness, Nutrition Tags:

Losing Weight and Learning to Believe in Yourself

November 30, 2011 Leave a comment

So many people (roughly 60% of Americans alone) are interested in losing weight. Yet, very few actually believe they have what it takes to lose those extra pounds and keep them off.

As someone who struggled with her own weight for a number of years, I can tell you that my inability to believe in myself was one my biggest obstacles. The start of every year would begin with the promise of losing weight. I would tell myself that this was the year I would lose all the weight I gained once and for all.

Usually, my heartfelt determination kept me motivated for about two months. During that time, I would shave off about 10-15 pounds. But then, somewhere around the second or third month, I would tell myself that I could never get back down to my goal weight. I believed that I was somehow unworthy or undeserving of achieving better health and physical wellbeing. Within 6-12 months, I usually regained whatever weight I lost. This vicious cycle only added to my feelings of inadequacy. I started to believe that I could never succeed at being thin again and that somehow this new, chubbier version of me was here to stay.

One day, I took a long, hard look in the mirror and asked myself what was important to me. Finally, after a lot of soul searching and a very big motivating incident that I’ll discuss in a later post, I decided to address my weight issues by first addressing my self-esteem.

Buy a journal that you will use specifically for the purpose of improving your ability to believe in yourself.

During the previous fifteen years of personal development training, writing, lecturing and radio show hosting, I taught others how to journal for a variety of purposes. I had my own journal that I used for topics related to work, money, stress, and my relationship. But I realized that I never used my own journals to improve how I see myself. So, I started a “daily attributes” log. Each day, I would list ten things that I liked about myself. Some days I wrote the same ten things I wrote the day before, while on other days I would come up with a whole new list. The idea was to consistently think of myself in a more positive light. On this list, I would include examples of when I saw something through to the end, such as completing my education, finishing a work or business project, or writing an article.

Read and speak daily affirmations.

I started posting relevant affirmations in places I would see them, such as on the refrigerator and bathroom medicine cabinet. I also include them on my    Outlook calendar. Sample   affirmations include, “I am healthy and fit,” “I am capable of creating a healthy body,” “I am responsible for my relationship with food and my body,” and “I am beautiful, healthy, and whole.” For some, the idea of reading and speaking affirmations may seem uncomfortable. However, once you get into the habit of saying them, you’ll notice (over time) that your vibration will change.

Look into the mirror and be thankful for what you see.

In her bestselling book “You Can Heal Your Life,” author Louise Hay suggests that you look in the mirror several times each day and say, “I love and approve of myself exactly the way I am.” It is important to notice all of your wonderful attributes. Regardless of your appearance, there is something attractive and desirable in all people. Learning to love yourself and any perceived flaws is an important part of improving your self-image. Remember, you can’t expect others to love you more than you do.

You are your best asset.

Remember, you are the most important part of your life experience. Nothing is more important than seeing yourself as a vital, healthy, beautiful and abundant being who is worthy of all the good life has to offer.

If you’re interested in getting a customized personal development and fitness program based on your specific goals, please contact us at


Sabrina Renee Kinckle, CPT – ACE
Simple Online Fitness – No more excuses!